February 9, 2008


What am I currently doing? Downloading the songs of Dashboard Confessional- hoping that it'll give even a DROPLET of inspiration.
I'm beat.
I can't think straight... I HAVE LOADS TO DO and I haven't started ANYTHING yet.
Here I am, procrastinating as usual. Sloth has got to be the sin I despise the most.
Argh! I can't write a single thing or even try to photoshop some PiX for my Fwendz. Gah! I'm loosin' it... NO!
This sucks. Where can you buy inspiration anyway?
... I wish it was summer already... then again, no. I still want to be with my Fwendz.
Okay... no other motivations? Fine.
I'll just have to force myself.
I love Fridays.
I hate Mondays.
That's all I want to say.

February 4, 2008


-groans- I have a lot to do and yet I still feel bored.

No smoking around Annick. Thank you for your co-operation.

February 3, 2008

Girls Like Chicken.

It was tiring. It was humorous. It was hunger-and-thirst inducing. It was fun. It was full of bloopers. It was "food-nourishing". It was angst-filled. It was great.

Girls Like Chicken.

PaperPLATES and PlasticCUPS... =) --The Great Escape.

Wah! Jennifer! Give me the pictures! Give it! I need to Adobe! Adobe!

Uh-oh. I forgot. Homeworks first. -Groans-