January 4, 2009

I hope I'm wrong

The start of the year looks... grim. It's only been four days but I've already had a fair share of mishaps. A list...
  • An absurd video of me & Peanutz going wacko over a cockroach. Directed by Jom with Sirius Black and Harry Potter as extras. [[At least there's a laugh...]]
  • Almost missing the first day of the year mass... insert an alternative and the punishment is stuck in the house... and to think I rarely wanted to go outside!
  • PROCRASTINATION running circles in my head! Chemistry anyone?
  • Braces. My teeth hurt and I feel uncomfortable talking even smiling. It's like I have... hard gum stuck on my lower jaw
  • Tamora Pierce books - A new kind of read for me. It's still fantasy but with a touch of the Middle Ages - pages, squires, knights, chivalry and all that...

Let me ramble on Tamora Pierce. I've recently downloaded her e-books and I started reading the first 2 books of "The Song of the Lioness quartet"... I didn't want to continue reading the last 2 books because (such a silly reason/excuse...) the characters I like weren't going to get together. I know, stupid sissy. Anyway, I decided to start on "The Protector of the Small quartet" and I'm already on the 3rd book... I KNOW the main character isn't going to be together with her man of the moment (she's not a slut! she just has many crushes, not that there's something wrong with that.), well that's okay. The one I like for her is her best friend and she only had a fleeting crush... at least she hasn't admitted her feelings. So anyway, what I don't like about this quartet is that she doesn't end up with ANYBODY.

I know I sound like a whinny pig who only cares about the heroine's romance, but I guess I just read too much romance books. Man, I sound sad. Poor bookworm. boo-hoo and blah blah blah. Tamora Pierce is all about feminism so shoo Harry Potter. I guess that the message of her books is "I don't need a man to make me happy." Go go go!

But please! Spare her heroines the heartache! I'm guessing none of my classmates would want to read this because of it's "corniness" [[I'm of the minority who actually reads fantasy books]] and lack of romance. Speaking of romance, I need to wrap my book. Estelle's going to borrow it.

School starts tomorrow.

My supposed-to-be New Year post turned out to be a ramble on romance. How sad.