February 11, 2008


Yay! New layout!
Man, it took me DAYS to find one that FITS. I mean... sets sparks the first time I saw it. It would be a lot easier if I knew how to make my own layout. We're studying HTML in our Computer Class... but it's just the basic codes and all. It's something that I can only use to spice up my Friendster Profile.
Oh well. Maybe I'll teach myself to make a layout this summer.
Gah! Here I am writing down the things I want to do and abandoning [Err... I guess that's much too strong word.] PROCRASTINATING. I really have TONS to do... I actually made a list... but in the list, everything will be done tomorrow or the next couple of days. Wow. Very sneaky Annick.
Well, I DID do some work today... started a draft for the Script. [Honestly, writing is one of my passions. But writing in Filipino is really hard for me.] I found some poems for English and I just needed to add some PiX for the Investigatory Project Presentation... ugh. The Oral Defense will be bloody. I'm sure for it.
Well, what to look forward for tomorrow? Just like any other day I guess... Oh wait! ARSC Election! Of course!
Uh... no comment on that.

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