December 31, 2008

five minutes to midnight

Well, technically it's not. But you get my point. It's the big 2oo9.

It's seems so fast. The next thing I know, it'll be the end of the Junior Year. Hello last summer as a HS student. Then 4th year and off to college.

Speaking of Colleges, my Tita lent me a book entitled "Do What You Are", a self-help book that's supposed to match your career with your personality. According to the Myers Brigg Test, I am a INFJ - Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging. And guess what, it depicted me well. So well that my career choices are what I was thinking of anyway (so no help there.) I'm destined to be a Librarian, Teacher, Nun, Novelist, Playwright, Social worker etc. I mean, how coincidental is that? It's a very well written guide and helpful too, in a way. The coincidences (or probably inevitables) are shocking though. Remind me never to underestimate psychology ever again.

Oh, and another thing I found out after reading this book is that I am: "a catalyst for positive change" and is part of the minority (based on population.) Approximately 1 % of America actually...

Happy New Year. I need to write a list.

BTW, I love the Chipmunk version of Booty Music. -linkie

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